Trädhistoria från Görans blogg

En sak man kan roa sig med när det varken finns nya inlägg eller kommentarer är att se vad som skrivs på de bloggar som Cafet följer i spalten här till höger. Till exempel Göran Hembergs blogg. Idag skriver han till exempel om Mannen som planterade träd – en charmigt tänkvärd historia och historia om historien 😉

[Klicka på bilden för att se en större version]

2 responses to “Trädhistoria från Görans blogg

  1. Hans Petter Meirik

    Så bra Gøran ! Tack 🙂

  2. Lars Bjørn

    Hej Göran.
    Jeg er sikker på at jeg har læst den historie i en børnebog, og den gang om en hyrde der lavede en oase i et ørkenagtigt landskab. jeg husker et smukt billede af en gammel mand og den lille træbevoksning bag ham. ca.40 år siden.
    Jeg har lige skrevet en historie på engelsk om et træ. jeg prøver lige at vedlægge den her.

    The walnut tree
    Mrs. Highthorne-Simons felt a little poorly this morning so she decided to spend the first hours of the day in bed. As soon as the morning tray had been taken out she asked for pen and paper and an extra pillow. She wanted to make a letter of instruction for her chef gardener. This was not urgent put never the less important and she wanted it out of the way.
    It concerned the newly planted walnut tree in the upper south end of the park, near the rose garden.

    To the chef gardener Mr. Eldorn

    This was, she thought, a rather formal opening, but she wanted to make it quite clear that this letter was to Mr. Eldorn in his capacity of chef gardener and nothing else! She had never approached Mr. Eldorn in any other way in the 40 years he had worked for her and her husband, put it was also the very first time she had ever written him a letter.
    There had never been any doubt about who was who in the house and never about who was the master. She had easily and with great authority taken over after her husband some odd 15 years ago.

    About the newly planted walnut tree: I assume you have already made it clear to your staff that this tree must be watered often, and the grass must be held back at least 5 feet at all times.

    Mr. Eldorn had agreed upon this earlier but one can’t be too carful, can one?

    I will however ask you personally to attend to the following:
    The tree will in time grow big and on the south side, that is to be expected, a branch will develop suitable fore a swing. Please put up the swing in due time.
    My daughters children will at that time probably be too old to appreciate this, but her grandchildren are bound to. I must ask you to be very careful in doing so, considering both the branch not being damaged and the swing situated so low that the children should not hurt, should they chance to fall down from it. Of course the swing has to be taken down during the cold season, October –May. The children will miss it, but the bigger there joy when you put it up again!
    It will at some time be necessary to remind Philip that he is not allowed to cut in the bark of the tree with his pocket knife! (He is not born yet but I am certain he will be and of course he will be named after my late husband.)It will also be your responsibility that enough nuts is collected to last fore the hole household at least throughout the Christmas days. I am very sure the children will enjoy helping you with this matter.
    Mrs. H-S. felt that she had done what was needed. But she also felt strangely tired. She folded the letter twice and put it on the night table for the maid to deliver. It had taken her much longer to write the letter than she had expected. A short nap, she thought, and I will be ready for lunch. She leaned back and as she closed her eyes a smile found its way to her lips. She was once again under the walnut tree…
    Hvis nogen har bedre styr på det engelske, ser jeg gerne et forslag til oversættelse. Kærligst Lars Bjørn.

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